Well the suitcase, save for a handful of things that I still need to use until Tuesday and my electronics and medications, is completely packed and has been since Wednesday (hello Type-A). This packing is courtesy of 2 space bags and my mother. Also I was smoking absolute CRACK (the good stuff) to think that I was going to get 6 weeks worth of clothing for 4 different states (and 2 VERY distinct climates) into a carry on. I barely got it into a large suitcase and to be honest I'm going to be cutting it pretty close to the weight limit so I hope that I don't have to play rearrange at 5 in the morning at the airport. I packed enough clothing so that I don't have to do laundry until I get to Katie's because I don't want to waste precious touristy time and time with friends and family on laundry. My mom is out of town for 4 days but I think Monday night when she gets back we're going to go through it one last time and see if I can cull anything out. Since at the moment I cannot buy a single souvenir along the way and I REALLY want to buy a pair of cowboy boots in Austin.
The getting ready to move process is complicated by my broken stomach as I've had to run around hunting prescriptions and transferring the one I can only get a 30 day supply at a time for to a Walgreens since there are no CVS on the west coast. I also remember I was going to be gone for election day so I had to send away for my absentee ballot. I also parent proofed my room (hiding all um...adult things) and cleaned it for while I'm gone. There isn't a whole lot left to do except for finally go through all the tour books and start planning my tourist activities.
I've been keeping a notebook of all the things I will need for the trip, lists, packing, meds, tourist sites etc. Hopefully I will also use this notebook to track some of my feelings etc surrounding this journey so that I can come back and share them with you. Like the amazing Mark Twain in the quote above I know that I would have been more disappointed if I didn't do this and at least try to make a life somewhere else then I would be if I try this and it doesn't work but throwing off the bowlines is always a nerve wrecking process. So as everything gets closer I'm feeling a bout of anticipatory nervousness. Once everything gets going I hope to enjoy the ride as much as possible knowing that it won't always be sunshine but it certainly will be better then it is now!
I've had a couple of interviews and a couple more planned so hopefully getting employed will come in short order. The only downside being a lot of the job openings I'm attracted to are contract positions without benefits so I may have get a second job at a coffee shop or something in order to have insurance. But I will make it work.
I'm not sure if I'll have time to post until I get going on the trip but I will talk to you from the road!
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